Playing with perspective

As part of the David Hockey Exhibit at  Factory International. I ran a series of workshops for children inspired by Hockney’s use of perspective. It was a fantastic learning experience, and I found it interesting how the children who took part interpreted the concept differently.

The Workshop Concept

Is it bigger and closer or smaller and further away? The workshop invites you to play and experiment with perspective through 3D dioramas and the magic of photography.

The perspective alters according to the way I’m looking, so it’s constantly changing
— David Hockeny

Inspired by David Hockney's innovative use of perspective, the workshop invited children to explore different viewpoints and create 3D collages.

Attendees constructed miniature dioramas using various materials, including toys, collages, and coloured paper.

Next, they headed to the photo booth. Where with their parents, they explored different angles and perspectives with their camera phones to capture their unique miniature worlds.


What I learnt

  • A "this is what I made earlier" helped explain the concept and inspire kids to get going.

  • Children with an adult didn't go off brief as much as the ones whose parents didn't join in.

  • The carrot was super irreverent and encouraged lots of play with the lightbox.

  • I enjoyed playing with the paper stock and bringing the sets to life.

  • The mini printer was fun as the children could put themselves into the image. I want to explore this concept further.

  • I was inspired by the children's free markings and shapes, the origami, and their perception of the world in different dimensions.

  • You can have a plan, but sometimes, you must let kids scribble! Don't be precious, and lean into their creativity!

A big thank you to

  • Gfsmith for providing me with the paper. The excitement I had opening the box of colour plans was a joy.

  • My cousin Kerry for lending me the lightbox.

  • My partner Phil, thank you for spending hours cutting out items as prep!


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